109學年度入學生轉級規定/Application for Freshman English Placement Adjustment(Effective from Fall 2020)
- 申請時間:每學期結束後開始受理申請,截止時間及申請單另公告於中心網頁最新消息。
- 申請限制:
- 至少修習過本校一門英文領域課程者並取得該門課成績,轉級僅限申請一次。(停修或未取得成績則無法受理申請)
- 成績達A(含)以上者,得申請升級;成績為C-(含)以下者,得申請降級。註:轉級僅限向上或向下一個級別。
- 申請流程:
- 填寫「英文課程轉級申請表」。
- 填寫完畢後將申請表轉發給曾修習過英文領域課程之任一授課老師填寫相關意見後,由該授課教師回傳至英語教育中心。 (email:yuhan@mx.nthu.edu.tw)
- 轉級審查包含學生學期成績與授課教師所提供之學生課堂學習狀況及各項細部成績來進行審查。
- 申請結果將另以電子郵件個別通知申請者。
- 通過審查者,其過去修畢且及格的英文領域課程學分將全數承認。
Application for "Freshman English Placement" Adjustment
1. When to apply?
Applications will be accepted after the end of each semester, and the deadline will be announced on the center's website.
2. What are the restrictions?
(1) Applicants should have taken at least one English course in our school.
(2) Students could only apply for level transfer ONCE during the whole college time.
(3) Student who drop the course or do not acquire any scores will CANNOT apply for adjustment.
(4) Student who got a score above A (included), can apply for higher level transfer. And for those who got a score below C- (included), you can apply for lower level transfer.
3. How to apply?
(1) Fill in the application form.
(2) Send the form to any instructor previously taken English courses to provide relevant comments.
(3) Ask the instructor who wrote the comments to send an email with both application form and comments to Center for English Education.
4. The examination of level transfer includes the students’ semester grade, their performance and grading in class provided by professors.
5. The results will be notified individually to the applicants by email.